An Internet Update

Reprinted from Eating Disorders Review
March/April 1999 Volume 10, Number 2
©1999 Gürze Books

It’s time to take another brief look at eating disorders and nutrition resources available on the Internet. (For a previous guide to Internet resources and eating disorders web sites, see the November/December 1996 issue of EDR.)

Eating disorders sites

Interested in an international professional organization for clinicians and academicians involved in the field of eating disorders? Then check out The Academy for Eating Disorders web site, at This web page features the Academy newsletter, a calendar of professional conferences and events, a membership directory, and well-organized links to other eating-disorder-related web sites, including news groups and professional organizations.

Membership in the Academy has numerous benefits, including a subscription to the monthly journal, International Journal of Eating Disorders, access to the member chat line, and preferred registration to Academy-sponsored conferences. Dietetics is one of eight professional divisions of the Academy, and this link offers an outstanding opportunity to exchange information with dietitians and other professionals from around the world.


For those of you interested in prevention, Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention (EDAP) has a wonderful web page at the following address: This nonprofit organization produces exceptional educational materials for all ages, including information for parents. Anyone preparing a presentation on eating disorders will want to check out EDAP’s materials. At the EDAP home page, click on “Resources for the Prevention of Eating Disorders” and you’ll see a comprehensive reading list on eating disorders prevention and related issues.

For a listing and description of educational materials (available at reasonable prices), once you are at the home page, click on Educational Materials. Resources include the Comprehensive Eating Disorders Informational Packet for the General Public; General Prevention and Awareness, Materials for Educators of Grades K-12 and Early Childhood Prevention Packet for Elementary School Educators. The Five-Day Lesson Plan on Eating Disorders: Grades 7-12, and Healthy Body Image: Teaching Kids to Eat and Love Their Bodies Too! (for grades 4-6) are excellent resources for educators. EDAP also sponsors Eating Disorders Awareness Week.

A new osteoporosis web site

The Foundation for Osteoporosis Research and Education (FORE), a nonprofit organization in Oakland, CA, hosts a fabulous web site for information about osteoporosis: From the FORE home page, click on Publications, then click on Guidelines of Care to access FORE’s Guidelines of Care on Osteoporosis for the Primary Care Physician. This outstanding document provides comprehensive guidelines for evaluating and treating patients at risk for osteoporosis and those who already have the disease. This is a great resource for any clinician. You can print the document from the web site or order a copy from FORE by calling (888) 266-3015. Helpful information and frequently asked questions can be accessed by clicking on “Osteoporosis Prevention and FAQ” at the bottom of the home page. The FORE newsletter is also posted on this site, and is a source of timely information on osteoporosis treatment.

Nutrition-oriented sites

Are you looking for sources of accurate and reliable nutrition information? Tufts University Nutrition Navigator, located at, makes it easy to find useful information on the World Wide Web. Web sites are reviewed by Tufts nutritionists, who evaluate the sites for content, including nutrition accuracy, depth of information, and timeliness of site updates. The site is also evaluated and rated for usability.

From the home page, users can find rated web sites under the following headings: Educators, General Nutrition, Journalists, Kids, Health Professionals, Parents, Special Dietary Needs, Women, and Hot Topics. Users may also locate resources by a keyword search. Tufts University Nutrition Navigator is a fabulous resource for professionals and the public alike.

HealthWeb is an excellent site to locate quality nutrition and medically related information. Web sites are selected and organized by librarians and information professionals from academic medical centers in the Midwest (see “About Health Web and Member Libraries” posted on the home page). Located at this site facilitates easy access to nutrition information. From the home page, click on Subjects, then click on Nutrition. The Human Nutrition page will appear. Then you can choose from three categories of nutrition-related information, Organizations (information about professional groups, societies and institutes related to nutrition), Research (resources related to nutrition research and funding), and Publications (resources including electronic journals, indexes/directories and publisher sites). A wonderful resource for nutrition information and much more.

Upgrades galore

Significant web page upgrades also deserve a mention. Grateful Med, located at, has undergone a transformation that allows free access to Medline and other databases. From the home page, click on “Internet Grateful Med User’s Guide” for comprehensive guidelines on using Grateful Med. Loansome Doc, a delivery service for copies of full-text documents, can also be accessed from the home page. If you’ve never accessed Medline from your home or office, you’ll find this site to be a real treat.

Happy surfing!

—Tami J. Lyon, MPH, RD, CDE

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